Comparison of Police Treatment in R8 to Other Vehicles?


New member
Sep 5, 2024
Yesterday, I was in a remote area in the southern region, nearly an hour away from a highway, and was stopped for allegedly exceeding the speed limit by driving 52 in a 35 mph zone. I was not in the R8 but rather in an inexpensive vehicle. However, the very inexpensive automobile was still superior to other vehicles in that vicinity. The vehicle had Yankee license plates, and the officer exhibited extreme aggression and combative behaviour. He was only seeking a confrontation, an experience I had never encountered before. I promptly pull over, lower all windows, switch off the vehicle, and address the individual as "sir." I promptly advise the officer that I am armed and state that I will not move my hands or take any action unless directed.

However, this officer was younger and actively seeking confrontation. On many occasions, I informed him, "Sir, I will not engage in an argument; I shall adhere to your directives." It was quite strange and disconcerting. I would not have been astonished if he had struck me.

I have two enquiries:

Do individuals driving fancy vehicles get differential treatment from law enforcement? The majority of my mileage is accrued in the R8, a Maserati, or a BMW rental vehicle. I am routinely stopped by law enforcement due to my extensive driving and am curious whether this officer would have acted similarly had I been in a suit and driving a R8 or another premium vehicle.

How does one pursue a police officer? This task is expected to be completed within one to two months, requiring one or two further visits. I will refrain from taking any action against him until I am certain I will not return to that county. However, once that is established, what are the legal avenues to pursue action against a police officer? I am referring to legal matters. I have retained the most respected attorney in the county to seek the dismissal of the citation, since the speed limit sign was damaged and orientated at a 45-degree angle from the road, rendering it invisible to me. I captured photographs and video footage. Local residents have informed me that this officer has anger management issues and misrepresents the pace at which he conducts traffic stops. I would be honestly astonished if I were achieving 52. I primarily want to ensure that this individual's record accurately reflects his conduct. I can see him doing harm on an undeserving individual. I support law enforcement in subduing criminals; but, this individual seems unstable, and I am prepared to invest a substantial amount to record or do necessary actions. Do you have any suggestions?
In descending order of significance to a Southern law enforcement officer seeking a target for harassment: 1. Northern license plates, 2. Luxury vehicle; a R8 would likely be more detrimental than a BMW, 3. Concealed carry accompanied with an incongruous accent.
I am originally from Tennessee, and often the police are kind; nevertheless, the younger officers may have negative sentiments towards Northerners.
Avoid excessive speed and use your local attorney to undermine this corrupt officer. If live video is available, YouTube is an appropriate platform to share your experience; otherwise, a FOIA request from your attorney should yield the body camera footage, if it was operational, which would be informative for the Judge and Police Chief addressing the complaint.
Proceed with it!
Civil War for Southern Independence or Civil War of Northern Aggression...choose your preference. The cake is adorned with the phrase "You aren't from around here."
I am uncertain if the individual had a body camera. I trust he did. Do they not conveniently "lose" the film whenever there is a request that reveals police misconduct?

I am certain that the South will rise again, Texas will secede from the Union, and the War of Northern Aggression will ultimately be justly won by the South. Considering the absurdity of our politicians, it is likely that a Southern Trump-like figure may emerge as a presidential candidate in the near future. That somebody vs Kim Kardashian would really constitute a significant competition. I will need to see previous episodes of The Simpsons to ascertain when that event is anticipated to occur. That program seems to forecast future events more correctly than Nostradamus.

However, I am willing to allocate funds to pursue this individual. I do not harbour grudges and often remain unperturbed, although I find myself unusually disturbed by this scenario and want to ascertain that this officer is not mistreating anyone. I possess the resilience to endure it; nevertheless, envision him inflicting such treatment against an elderly woman or an unfortunate individual striving to rectify their past errors and regain stability in their life. Law enforcement officers have a significant responsibility that warrants respect, requiring serious commitment, appropriate training, and requisite ability for their roles. My extensive experience in developing countries has made me acutely aware that effective law enforcement is a privilege for which we should all express gratitude.
It would need extreme circumstances, such as severe physical harm, incarceration, or surviving a gunshot, for me to pursue action against a police officer; even then, I see my chances of success as minimal.

I do not pursue law enforcement officers. It constitutes a misallocation of time and resources. I endeavour to STFA from them and GTFA from them as swiftly and securely as possible. Tim S. is clearly correct. Endure the setback and proceed. The South might seem constricted when one desires otherwise. It would be unfortunate to be apprehended by the same officer you attempted to confront.
Simply have the attorney contest it and proceed. You own the funds, unless the legal fees provide thousands of dollars in potential value if invested. Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off.

R8 I received adequate treatment.
Plaid was adequately addressed.
F12 was not apprehended. The 720S has not yet been stopped, knock on wood; but, I did have one officer pace me from my rear quarter panel. Likely doing license plate checks and/or inspecting the vehicle.
I observed this yesterday. James (Stradman) was in Wyoming and was recorded travelling at 84 mph, prompting a congenial officer to issue citations to him and both Lamborghinis. He asserts that they were all "relaxing"... However, the remarks serve as an educational resource.

The video is lengthy, although I like going around Bear Lake; it is a beautiful region. I received my most recent ticket a few hours later, again in Wyoming. 86 mph in a 70 mph zone in the family car
I have been stopped just once in the R8. I own a license plate that is both aggressive and hilarious towards law enforcement. I had a Black buddy as a passenger and hold him responsible for extending his arm out of the window. He has subsequently lost window privileges. I was not exceeding the speed limit. Did not exhibit erratic driving behaviour. However, the officer over a median and accelerated through red lights to pursue me. Did not issue a ticket to me. Merely a standard admonition against aggressive driving. I was not, yet for some, loud equates to quick. He informed me thereafter that he appreciated my platter. My buddy shouted furiously, “damn white people!” Prior to the officer departing. Indeed, let us endure defeat today. :rolleyes:

I have encountered both favourable and unfavourable examples. I believe the most are satisfactory. I believe some individuals should be eliminated from this earth. Similar to all vocations and individuals. I am fortunate to reside in the South, not originate from there, and possess no accent, hence I do not get much criticism.
As a someone who has been often stopped by law enforcement and has gained insights from these encounters, I provide my responses to your two enquiries:

1) Numerous circumstances make it impossible to anticipate a police officer's behaviour, irrespective of the vehicle you are operating during a traffic stop; hence, your response is the only aspect you can govern at that moment. Exhibit a pleasant demeanour, demonstrate courtesy, accept the lecture if offered, and receive the ticket if provided. Subsequently, forward your ticket number to your traffic attorney and disregard it. I retain a local attorney who successfully dismisses 99% of my local AR club's citations for an amount less than the ticket's cost, making it an obvious choice.

I opposed the law, but the law prevailed. Release it and go forward.
I am grateful for all the counsel. I am a guy who enjoys prolonged, warm, tranquil showers, and one of the most significant indicators of my satisfaction is the presence of negative thoughts during this time. This circumstance has resulted in that. I will relinquish it. That is my decision and within my authority.

We will see the capabilities of my esteemed counsel. I do not really get the mechanics of traffic citations; but, the employee who received a ticket for exceeding 100 mph and for whom we retained a counsel in Rural Georgia was acquitted entirely. That astonished me, and I anticipate this will be similar. I am curious if the lawyers provide the judge with a portion of the fee or not. I am not asserting that it should function in that manner, but it seems to me that this is how the system operates.

The customer has requested further work, necessitating my presence at this location every few weeks for the foreseeable future. I have a strong affinity for my flight instructor at the regional airport, which is excellent; thus, I may continue my flight training there. It is uncertain.